Drink More.
Coupon from Brita Web-Site.
I was looking up more info about Brita Water Filters and came across the web-site:
http://www.filterforgood.ca/ - you can get a $5 off coupon off a pitcher or sink mount system or $3 off a filter.
They also had a lot of great information about filtered water vs. bottled water.
Why is bottled water waste a concern?
Coupon from Brita Web-Site.
I was looking up more info about Brita Water Filters and came across the web-site:
http://www.filterforgood.ca/ - you can get a $5 off coupon off a pitcher or sink mount system or $3 off a filter.
They also had a lot of great information about filtered water vs. bottled water.
Why is bottled water waste a concern?
- Worldwide, an estimated 2.4 million metric tonnes of plastic are used to bottle water each year.1
- An estimated 70,000,000 plastic water bottles are dumped in North American landfills every year.2
- It takes three litres of water to produce one litre of bottled water.3
- In 2004, total consumption of bottled water was estimated at 154 billion litres - that's about 25 litres for everyone on the planet.4
- Ditching bottled water keeps Mother Earth and your wallet green. Bottled water is 240 to 10,000 times more expensive than tap water.5 Despite the cost, almost one third of all Canadian households primarily drank bottled water in 2006.6
- One Brita pitcher filter can effectively replace as many as 300 standard 500 mL bottles. So you can get great-tasting water without so much waste. Talk about refreshing.
- The average Brita pitcher filters 908 litres of water a year for about 19 cents a day. Put in perspective, to get the same amount of water from bottled water would require 1,818 500mL water bottles a year - at an average cost of a dollar a bottle, that's $4.98 a day.
- For about $10 each, you can purchase a 946mL reusable FilterForGood bottle, saving you hundreds of dollars a year on bottled water.
- Hydration at its best - carry the water you need and reduce your impact on the environment - one reusable FilterForGood bottle can last for decades, making it easy to stop buying single-serve bottled water to fulfill your everyday hydration needs.
- Many people drink bottled water because they believe it to be of a higher quality, cleaner and better-tasting, but that's not necessary true.
- Two of Canada's largest bottled water brands use purified municipal water taken from cities including Vancouver, Montreal, Brampton and Calgary.7
- If you don't like the taste of your tap water, try Brita. Nine out of 10 consumers say "Brita clearly tastes better," according to an in-home usage study. They preferred the taste of Brita water - filtered through pitchers - to tap.
- In Canada, the responsibility for ensuring drinking water supplies are safe is shared between the provincial, territorial, federal and municipal governments, with Health Canada taking a leadership role.8 The City of Toronto tests its drinking water every four hours!9
1 Arnold, Emily, and Janet Larsen. "Bottled Water: Pouring Resources Down the Drain.", Earth Policy Institute. 2 Feb. 2006. 28 June 2007.
2 "Global Campaign News" The Polaris Institute
3 "Bottled Water and Energy: A Pacific Institute Fact Sheet" Pacific Institute, 2006
4 "Global Bottled Water Consumption, by Region, 1997 to 2004"
5 The Polaris Institute
6 "Households and the Environment 2006" Statistics Canada Environment Accounts and Statistics Division System of National Accounts
7 "Anne Kingston, "Green Report: It's So Not Cool" Maclean', May 14 2007
8 Health Canada, Environmental and Workplace Health
9 Toronto Water - Frequently Asked Questions