I Love My Uppa Baby Stroller !
My girlfriends threw me a baby shower for Baby #3, our unexpected blessing surprise baby. My two older were 9 and 6 when I found out we were pregnant with #3. Good thing I am a total pack-rat and had all of their clothing in labelled rubbermaids by age and sex. So, the boxes are all labelled: Boy, 0-3 months, Girl 0-3 months, etc.
When we moved in 2006, we discussed if we were going to keep the baby items like all those baby clothes in rubbermaids, the crib, the change table, the rocker, etc. Thank Goodness we did !
My girlfriends asked me if there was anything I needed since they know my propensity for keeping everything and putting it in a labelled bin. I said two things I needed were a new diaper bag, since I wore all my previous ones out and a really good baby stroller since I wore those out too !
They pitched in and got me the Cadillac, SUV, Hummer of all baby strollers. The Uppa Baby Stroller (they got it at HullaBaloo Maternity in Royal Oak Michigan - http://www.hbmaternity.com/) and it is the total bomb ! I love this stroller. My son Jonathan is 13 months old and I have already gotten so much use out of this stroller. I can jog with this stroller, I can go on dirt trails with this stroller, it has gone to festivals, fairs, and conferences. I love love love the bassinet option that you use when they are a baby until 6 months old.
Okay, so I could go on and on about this stroller. My point is that we take this on family walks and it rocks ! It was 0 degrees today when we went walking. I put the baby in his snowsuit and little blanket and then I used this plastic and mesh weather cover on the front and he was as toasty as could be on our 1 hour+ walk. This stroller is an investment piece. It's an investment in getting me to move more and have no worries about the baby being happy or pushing a clunky stroller.