I can't eat before working out. I can't eat before tennis, before running, before any serious physical exertion. I seriously have thrown up more than once if I eat less than 2 hours before working out. Until TODAY!
I found that I can eat Fresh Fruit right before working out and not feel nauseous or pukey or puke afterwards! Yeah! Finally I can eat something before I work out that doesn't make me sick. This has been one roadblock to me working out is that I have to plan around working out 2 hours after eating. This is great news for me and could be great news for you.
If you can't eat before working out - try eating some fresh fruit like an apple or a peach or strawberries. I was so starving the other day and knew this was the only window for me to work out, so I ate some fresh strawberries as I was cutting up some for my kids while preparing their breakfast.
So, try eating fresh fruit before working out and see if it works for you!
We're Closing Our Doors and Moving Online!
Big changes are going on here at the store! I've spent four years watching
the store grow alongside my daughter. I've always said that I left my
14 years ago