Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Weigh In - 2009.Feb.23

Weigh In Log.

Monday Morning.

190 ! Great ! Gained 2-3 pounds. One step forward, 2 steps back !

You know the toughest thing is that Life Gets in the Way. There is so much that happens in life. I was so shocked by this one and bummed. I totally didn't drink water this week and totally didn't eat breakfast.

Not eating breakfast is a horrible habit of mine... my mom didn't eat breakfast growing up, she probably didn't when she was prego with me. I just am not hungry for like 2 hours after waking up, then after 2 hours sometimes I get busy and just forget until I am famished and it's lunchtime. More on breakfast later.

It seems there's always these circumstances that I can't eat good because there's so much going on. I can't workout and go for a 30 minute jog because there's so much going on.

Well, you know what? When isn't there going to be so much going ? How can I fit eating and moving into my life. Something is always going to be going on !

Friday, February 20, 2009

X-Weighted T.V. Show - Watch other people's journeys to taking off the pounds

X-Weighted T.V. Show - Watch other people's journeys to taking off the pounds

I watch this t.v. show, especially late at night while working in my home office and blogging :-). It's called X-Weighted. It follows someone on a 6-month journey of weightloss. It shows their trials, tribulations, successes, failures, and struggle.

I like the host and personal trainer, Paul Plakas. He is tough and doesn't take any excuses. When I hear different people's excuses, it makes me think of mine.... in the past 6 weeks my three kids have had chicken pox, there are nights the baby doesn't sleep well, there are work deadlines, there are people coming to visit, there are weekends we go away, etc... all these excuses for not moving more !

"X-Weighted is a series of one-hour documentaries about adult Canadians each fighting their individual war on fat. The participants carry from 40 to 150 extra pounds each, they run, climb, pump, bike and dance their way to healthier weights, during periods of four to six months.
X-Weighted records all the plans and pitfalls, gripes and grit that go hand-in-hand with achieving this often-exasperating goal. The emphasis is on the underlying causes and ongoing triggers for excess weight as these frank but feisty people grapple with their personal flaws, emotional baggage and suppressed conflicts."


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Weigh In - 2009.Feb.16

Weigh In Log.

Monday Morning.

188 - Lost 1 pound. It sort looked like 187, but I would rather go with 188.

Lent starts next week. I am playing around with the idea of getting up at 6am everyday to do my "move more" time. I stay up late each night from midnight to 2am, so 6am is pretty rough for me. However, I seriously want to lose this weight. I want to be fit and healthy and trim. I am going to be 38 this year and the big 4-0 is not too far away.

I want to go on a ski trip with my husband; we have not been since our honeymoon in 1996. I want to run the Detroit Free Press Marathon in Detroit that (for more info crosses the USA and Canada border twice. We lived in the Detroit area in a small enclave town called Hamtramck for 10+ years and it would be great to go back to the area and accomplish one of my goals on my Life To Do list. I wanted to do it before 30, then 35, and now darn it by 40 !

I need to keep reminding myself why I want to do this when I find my motivation waning. I want to be healthy and happy and in shape for myself and my family. I want an active family life filled with outdoor time and skiing, playing tennis, and running around the park. It's hard to keep up when you weigh in the 180s and 190s.

My dream would be to be a size 10... My fantasty would be to be a size 8. I am only 5'4" tall, 8 would be a better size for my height... anything in the single digits would be a fantasy I would love to live !

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Move More Log - 2009.Feb.10.

Move More Log.

Work out until you puke !

I don't recommend this ! However, I worked out so hard tonite that I puked. I think it was a combination of working out so hard and having eaten dinner so late before tennis lessons. I need to not eat 2 hours before a workout, especially a tough workout. I was so hungry tonite, but we ate dinner at 6pm instead of 5pm because the baby took a late nap and I joined him !

Some Tennis Tips from our instructor:
1) Keep your eye on the Ball !
An amazing amount of people don't keep their eye on the ball as long as they can.

2) Follow Through on your Swing.
I so don't do this. I stop swinging shortly after making contact with the ball, I sure don't follow through all the way over my shoulder.

Tennis Tips from me:
1) Don't power slam the ball into your partner all the time, a really bad habit I have because I am always playing people much better than me and this a technique I have apparently developed because it makes it harder for them to return the ball slammed right at them.

2) Control the ball. We practice on half of the court with our partner. At first, I was bummed and now I can see that I am worn out playing half court, imagine if I played full court. If I can't control the ball on the half court, how am I going to control it on the full court ?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Weigh In - Weigh In Log - 2009.Feb.09

Weigh In Log.

Monday Morning.

189 pounds - Gained 1 pound.

I almost didn't do weigh in this week. My husband said not to do it so I wouldn't get depressed or upset if I gained weight. I have 3 kids in various stages of the chicken pox and didn't move much this week.

I did get use my big foam step (for aerobics) and did step-ups with hand weights and my 13 month old was hilarious trying to step up with me, around me, in front of me. I worked out my core more with his extra help !

Anyways, it was too cold, the kids were sick, I was tired and didn't get much sleep. As I write this, it all is a bunch of excuses. Valid excuses, but excuses nonetheless ! How is that in 24 hours a day, I cannot devote just one hour a day to Move More and get in a workout ??!!!??

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Move More Log - 2009.Feb.03

Move More Log.

Worked out in the house today.

12 degrees below zero - jogging outside - No Thank You !

So, I decided to do some step-ups on my foam aerobic step. My 13 month old found this very interesting and exciting. I did at least 50 of the 150 step ups I did holding him and the others dodging him stepping up next to me, behind me, in front of me. I figure he gave me an extra core workout. I used 5 pound hand weights for 50 of them. You don't think 5 pounds is much per arm, but do 50 of these step ups while doing bicep curls with these weights and they sure feel heavy fast !

Then, I did 100 sit-up crunches with my back on the floor and my knees bent on my couch. My 13 month old loved this even better. He kept running up and pulling up my shirt and poking my belly button and saying "ing! ong!" (he doesn't say the d part yet of "ding dong"). Then, after doing that about a dozen times, he decided to run up to me and jump on me in a tackle like he does with his daddy when they are wrestling on the floor.

I was cracking up the whole time! What a fantastic workout buddy I have !!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Weigh In - Weigh In Log - 2009.Feb.02

Weigh In Log.

Monday Morning.

188 pounds. Totally didn't think would lose a pound this week. Made some good food choices, didn't move a whole lot... soo cold this week.... temps 10 below zero, 12 below zero !

I don't think of myself as a "fair weather runner" as my sister-in-law (who is in great shape) calls herself. But I don't go running anytime it is below zero - that's just too cold !

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Move More Log - 2009.Feb.01.

Move More Log.

Ran 2 Miles Today.

I ran the movies back to the video store instead of driving them.
It was uphill on the way. I walked one block from the house to the main street and I walked again when I got to the parking lot of the strip mall of the video rental store.

It felt great to get out. Of course the weather was in the 30's today, which it won't be for the rest of the week. I had to get out today ! I was exhausted and sweating afterwards. I worked out for the first time with my new MP3 player. We all got MP3 players for Christmas. KMart had this great sale on MP3 players before Christmas - $29.99 for 1G. The regular prices were $49.99-$59.99.

This was great because I can't stand flipping radio stations using my old sony arm band radio. It is still in great shape, but it stinks to be out exercising for 30 minutes and have over half of that be commercials or dorkus djs talking in the morning !