Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Goal: Lose 20 pounds in 60 days - in a Healthy Way

Goal: Lose 20 pounds in 60 days!

My goal is to lose 20 pounds in 60 days in a healthy way! I have a big event exactly 60 days from now that I need to look sharp for and get a new suit and stand in front of a large group of professionals and speak.

I am not worried about the speaking part. I am worried about looking professional standing in front of a group. I don't have a suit that fits me right now and I don't want to spend $100 or more on a suit at this size.

Some of my strategies for this weight loss program:

Workout 2x a day
- one time running and other time doing something else like tennis, bike riding, spinning, weight lifting

Eat every 2 hours
- keep my blood sugar levels even and not highs and lows

Drink lots of water
- I plan on filling up a pitcher of water at the start of the day of how much water I need to drink for the day. Then I need to let everyone know that is Mommy's water only and finish it anyway I can before bedtime

Eat only 1 cup of anything
- I have been toying with this idea for a while of only having one cup of anything - vegetables or potatoes or meat at dinner, cereal in the morning, pasta at lunch. No more than one cup of any specific item.

Switching from Regular Soda Pop to Diet Soda Pop
- I have just one pop a day - I call it my Mommy Cocktail (no alcohol) at around 3pm to give me that little boost for the day. Sometimes, I save it for nightime like I did tonite if I am up working, blogging, or cleaning late.

When I am feeling Hungry
- drink some water and if still hungry chew some gum

So, there's my masterplan so far for the next 60 days. I hope that the meeting ahead is motivation enough to get this kick started - have to speak in front of professional group, will be video taped, have to invest in a business suit. Will this hold me to it and motivate me? I sure hope so! I so want to be at my pre-baby weight and wear my wedding rings again too!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Can You Eat Before Working Out ?

I can't eat before working out. I can't eat before tennis, before running, before any serious physical exertion. I seriously have thrown up more than once if I eat less than 2 hours before working out. Until TODAY!

I found that I can eat Fresh Fruit right before working out and not feel nauseous or pukey or puke afterwards! Yeah! Finally I can eat something before I work out that doesn't make me sick. This has been one roadblock to me working out is that I have to plan around working out 2 hours after eating. This is great news for me and could be great news for you.

If you can't eat before working out - try eating some fresh fruit like an apple or a peach or strawberries. I was so starving the other day and knew this was the only window for me to work out, so I ate some fresh strawberries as I was cutting up some for my kids while preparing their breakfast.

So, try eating fresh fruit before working out and see if it works for you!